Our return policy is in effect for 30 days. Unfortunately, we cannot offer you a refund or exchange if 30 days have passed since your purchase.

To be eligible for a return, the item must be unused and in the same condition as you received it. The product must also be in its original packaging.

How to return my order:

If your order meets the conditions below, please do the following to start the return process. Make sure the email contains the following:
  1. Send email to:
  2. Order number
  3. Reason for return request
  4. Photos of the product, for reasons such as: Defective or damaged product, wrong product received, size or fit, incorrect product description, regret of purchase, quality problems & delay in delivery.
  5. Customer's first and last name
  6. Customer's address

Once you have properly read and forwarded the above information, we will further process your return process - provided it meets the return requirements below.

Items that cannot be returned:

  • Gift certificates
  • Items on discount/sale
  1. General: All returns must meet the conditions as outlined below to be eligible for a refund or replacement.
  2. Refund within 24 hours: If you have purchased a product and the order has not yet been processed, you are entitled to a full refund if you decide to cancel the purchase within 24 hours of the transaction. This arrangement applies only to purchases whose order status has not yet changed to "shipped" or "fulfilled. To take advantage of this arrangement, please contact our customer service department and provide the order number.
  3. Outside 24 hours: After 24 hours have passed since the purchase and/or after the order has been fulfilled, refunds are no longer possible. For other returns, the standard return conditions apply as described below.

Return Terms and Guidelines:

  • All returned items must be unused, unopened and with original plastic packaging.
  • We are not responsible for the cost of returning the items.
  • Please ensure that all returned items are properly packaged so that they are not damaged in the mail.
  • Ensure that all return packages are shipped with a trackable, insured service, as we cannot take responsibility for items damaged or lost in return shipping.
  • Make sure the return form has been approved by our customer service team - without approval, your return may not be processed.
  • Promotional products are not available for returns.
  • We process our returns in China - due to our Warehouse also being located in China, this means you will have to return your package outside the EU. This may involve high costs up to 25 euros, which we do not refund.


Once we have received and verified your return, we will send you an email to let you know that we have received your returned item. We will also notify you of the approval or denial of your refund.

If approved, your refund will be processed and automatically applied to your credit card or original payment method within a certain number of days.

Late or Missing Refunds:

If you have not yet received a refund, check your bank account first.

Contact your credit card company; it may take a while for your refund to be officially transferred.

Next, contact your bank. There is often some processing time before a refund is posted.

If you have done all this and still have not received your refund, please contact us via email:

Offer items:

Only items at regular prices can be refunded, unfortunately offer items (such as discounted/discounted items) cannot be refunded and are not accepted as returns.


We only replace items if they are defective or damaged. If you wish to exchange it for the same item, please email us at with your order number, product and desired size/color.


To return your product(s), please send an email with your product to:

You are responsible for the shipping costs of returning your item. Shipping costs will not be refunded by GLAM SYDNEY. If you receive a refund, the cost of the return shipping will be deducted from your refund.

If a returned item violates any of the terms in this policy, we reserve the right to return the item in the same condition in which it was received. No refund will be issued either.

Registration of shipments in transit

Because our goods are shipped from Asia, there may be extended transit times over which we have no control.
have no control over. If the goods are already on their way to you, cancellation is not possible. Therefore, please wait until you have received the goods and then send them back to us. Of course, you can inform us about your cancellation in advance.

To guarantee you the fastest possible return, we ask you to send us a shipping confirmation.

Clearance fee

When ordering products from China on our website, there is a possibility that you may incur customs clearance fees. These charges may arise when your package passes through customs. Clearance charges include taxes, customs duties and administrative fees charged by customs to allow goods to enter your country.

The exact amount of customs clearance charges depends on the nature and value of the products, as well as your country's import regulations. It is important to note that customs clearance fees vary and can sometimes be unexpected. Fortunately, this has never occurred to our customers.

Consequences of revocation

If you revoke this contract, we must refund all payments received from you,
with the exception of delivery costs (with the exception of extra costs due to the
fact that you have chosen a type of delivery other than the cheapest standard delivery
offered), without undue delay and at the latest within fourteen days from the day on which we
receive notice of your withdrawal from this contract and receipt of the goods. For this
refund, we will use the same means of payment that you used for the original
transaction, unless expressly agreed otherwise with you; in no event will you be charged for this refund.