We have an answer for every question! Is your question not listed? Please feel free to contact us.

Contact Ons

It takes 1-2 business days to process your order. Our warehouse is international. Due to high demand, shipping may take longer. For orders in Australia it normally takes 6-12 business days. The shipped orders are done climate neutral!

Absolutely! We use SSL security to ensure that all of your personal information is encrypted. We do not store your credit card information and it is used once when you purchase your product. After that, your credit card information is deleted.

We use: American Express, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Maestro, Mastercard, PayPal, Shop Pay & Visa. All our payment methods are safe and secure!

Simply find the product you want and click the "Add to Cart" -> "Go to checkout" button. Then fill in your shipping and billing information and we will make sure your order is shipped to you as soon as possible!

Absolutely! If you do not like the product or notice any damage to the product, please contact us immediately! We are committed to ensuring you have the best shopping experience. Simply contact us and we will make sure it is addressed!

Absolutely!!! We offer a full refund on your order if you do not like the product. We do NOT offer refunds for products purchased on sale or 50% off deals. Simply visit our return policy page for full details. If you have any questions not answered in our FAQ, please contact us at info@glam-sydney.com. We will get back to you as soon as possible after that!


Receive online tracking immediately after your purchase.


We manage SSL technology, Trustwave and Firewalls to ensure secure checkout.


Not satisfied? No problem! We offer a simple 30-day return period.